Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nursery Furniture

Very excited to say that we ordered our baby furniture yesterday! We have done plenty of research, and very similar to the bedding process, this actually went pretty smoothly since I knew what I wanted and was able to quickly narrow down the collections. I am just thrilled! It's all coming together just as I envisioned it :-)

This picture doesn't entirely capture what we ordered. There are actually 2 cribs in this collections and OF COURSE the photo features the other crib. Ours is similar with the straight lines, minus that solid square in front and the back of it is more like the top of the mirror and solid on the sides. That's the best way I can describe it all. As I mentioned, we want something not so baby so that this furniture can grow with our growing child if we want it to. I can see this dresser in a teenager's room, can't you?

The best part about this furniture is the height of the dresser/changing table! Sadly, dresser height was our #1 priority so that wouldn't have to hunch over to change diapers so we totally lucked out with this one being the tallest of all! Tall people success! ;)

 (as always, click to enlarge the photo)

The sale price and after-Christmas special of throwing in the conversion kit for free (really?! that's like a $150 value! score) wasn't enough for Mr. Wheeler Dealer over here. He actually asked them to throw in the mattress for free. And while I had my head buried in my hand with embarrassment, the lady actually agreed to knock off almost 50% of the price of the mattress! Ask and you shall receive, I guess. This is exciting b/c it's some super duper #1 rated by consumer reports mattress and nicer than our own. Ha! This had us leaving feeling like we really got ourselves a deal but really what is shows is the amount of mark up they put on things in the first place!

In the coming months, I'm excited for my glider chair to be back in stock so that I can order it and testing out our navy blue paint colors! We are doing navy walls whether it's a boy or girl. (I LOVE navy and pink together and of course navy and baby blue is pretty cool too).Plus, there is a double chair rail in that room so the navy will only be on the bottom so it won't be too much. I can just see it all come together! :-)

Oh, and the jury is still out on the scary gorilla cute monkey.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Very nice! I love it! Can't wait to see what you pick for the bedding. You'll have to come over soon to see our nursery, we just need curtains and a lighting many details!