Saturday, February 20, 2010

22 Weeks (or Moooving)

Beau and I saw my stomach MOVING for the first time this morning! It was really cool. Baby was going to town in there and, as always, I'm thrilled that Beau was there. Perhaps Baby Gray was waiting to begin punching and kicking me until this weekend when his dad would be home to see :-)

I'm officially out of breath when I run around the office or walk to my car after work. I'm a speedy mover so that just adds to the breathlessness (not a word?). But it's normal so no concerns. I have the black line now under my belly button (which is changing daily might I add - that thing will be an outie before we know it). I have lots of energy these days and still feel comfortable; I wish I could stay this size the whole time. It's only downhill from here ;-) I eat waffles like Eggo is closing their doors tomorrow. Breakfast and dinner. Thank goodness for prenatal vitamins!

How your baby's growing:

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

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