Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let it Sneau...

I think all  spellings of the sound "o" should be spelled "eau" just like Beau's name - it's just prettier ;-)

Moving there anything more beautiful than my office closing because of snow?! It all began Thursday and continued to worsen overnight into Friday. We had about 10 inches of snow at the house and it was SOOO beautiful!! We loved watching Brinkley and Shelby play in it and I'm so happy it happened when Beau was home. He did have to drive in it Thursday coming home from his project in Arkansas. I worry about him on that drive every week like I've never worried before. I did read where once one begins having children their sense of mortality hits - no longer feeling invincible the way I spent my teenage years & most of my 20s. 

I are some pics of our snow days! Beau and I both worked from home Friday, which can be difficult with 2 dogs and the two of us on conference calls. Who said dogs barking in the background was unprofessional? Pssh.

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